高純度のディープ・トリップ・ミュージックを垂れ流し続ける脅威の黒煙集団・THINK TANKのオリジナルメンバー/DJであり、BLACK SMOKER RECORDS主催”EL NINO”のレジデントDJ。90年代半ばから活動をスタート。ヒップホップのメンタリティー、テクノの恍惚感、ハウスの多幸感と、ダブやジャズの凶暴性 などなどをうっかり掛け合わせながらも、しっかり自在に操るオールラウンダーDJであり、そのプレイ時におけるグルーヴィーな ミックス、的確な二枚使いやハメ技のスクラッチまで、そのダイナミックかつブレの無い一貫したスタイルと徹底した安定感、そしてフロアを独自のカラーに染 め上げるその手腕に同業者からも熱い厚い信頼を受ける男である。レギュラーパーティーを軸にしながら貫いている徹底した現場重視のスタンスは、関東近辺の 名スポットから日本各地にまでその活動の幅を広げており、様々な深夜を人一倍の薄明かりの中で美しく彩り、そして確実に揺らしている。
DJ YAZI has been active since the mid-1990s, as a member of Tokyo’s notoriously avant-garde hip hop group called Think Tank. The record label Black Smoker Records founded by the group took their experimentalism to a series of club nights called El Nino, and DJ YAZI remains its resident for two decades. Drawing inspiration from across the musical spectrum: the mentality of hip hop, the intensity of dub and jazz, the ferocity of techno and the euphoria of house. As a DJ he moves fluidly across styles, with his sets connected by a strong focus on deep and tripped out grooves. His attention to details, precision and masterful control over the decks clearly show his long time involvement in this art form. He also performs with Haruka as Twin Peaks, an improvisational live/ DJ hybrid act. He currently hosts a regular techno/ industrial themed night called Konvektion at Contact, Tokyo together with Takaaki Itoh. After appearing in a Tokyo satellite event series New Assembly presented by Berlin Atonal in early 2017, he caught the attention of the festival directors, and made his European debut in Berlin playing Herrensauna at Tresor and Berlin Atonal 2017.