食品まつり a.k.a foodman

名古屋在住の電子音楽家。2012年にNYの〈Orange Milk〉よりリリースしたデビュー作『Shokuhin』を皮切りに、Diplo率いる〈Mad decent/ Good Enuff〉を含む、国内外の様々なレーベルからリリースを重ね、2016年の『Ez Minzoku』は、海外はPitchforkのエクスペリメンタル部門、FACT Magazine, Tiny Mix Tapesなどの年間ベスト、国内ではMusic Magazineのダンス部門の年間ベストにも選出され、その年に行われたワールド・ツアーではUnsound、Boiler Room、Low End Theoryに出演。自身のルーツである沖縄を背景に、シカゴ・フットワークからのインスパイアとポスト・インターネット以降のハイブリッドな感覚から浮かび上がる特異のサウンドはニューエイジやアンビエントとひも付きながら、新世代の電子音楽やアヴァンギャルドとして楽曲の制作を行なっている。2018年9月21日に新作アルバム『Aruotoko no densetsu』をSun Ark/ Drag Cityからリリースした。ファストカルチャープロジェクト1980yenや、Bo NingenのTaigen KawabeとのユニットKISEKI、中原昌也とのユニット食中毒センターとしても活動を行なっている。
食品まつり(Shokuhin Matsuri) a.k.a foodman, creates music that defies categorisations – and is one of the few artists that actually fit this overused description. There are traces of almost every electronic music genre, from juke, footwork, ambient, house, techno, to noise, but those elements are dissected and morphed together then driven to extreme without giving you a second to come up with a definitive genre. The noisy technicolour of these borderline versatile or schizophrenic collages is borne out of his experiments (or accidents) and has titillated, confused, and enchanted music obsessives far and wide.
After releasing his debut album from NY/OH experimental label Orange Milk, his music has been released from international labels including Diplo’s Mad Decent and its offshoot Good Enuff. His ever-evolving and mutating musical vocabulary draws from every kind of music he stumbles across, from Chicago footwork to Okinawan folk music of his roots, ambient to J-pop, Talvin Singh’s Indian classical music/drum ‘n’ bass fusion to classic video game soundtracks, then twists them all with his playful psychedelia. This extends to his remixes and DJ mixes, including his monthly residency at NTS radio and i-D magazine’s “i-DJ” guest mix, which was picked up on Pitchfork’s “10 Best DJ Mixes of March 2017” list.
Since playing his first show outside of Japan in mid 2016, he has appeared on Boiler Room, Low End Theory, and Unsound just to name a few, as well as headline shows across the US and Europe. He will debut on New York label Palto Flats with an EP called Moriyama, due out in mid-November.